"A Christmas-Time Surprise"
In two previous classes we've watched the movie "Thank You for Smoking" in the movie we see in a scene where a child was a smoker and had been diagnosed with cancer. However, in the movie the main character who represents tobacco products says there is no direct link to smoking, even though we later find out there is. In todays world though tobacco doesn't seem to be as much of a huge commodity to the young adults in today's society, vape products are. However vape products are a tobacco product they aren't your standard cigarette, cigar, or chew. Vape products are a liquid that is attached to a battery of some sort and inhaled just like a cigarette but are flavored like, well, just about anything you can think of.

President Trump has just passed a new law where no one 18 and under can purchase or obtain tobacco products, including vape devices. This law was put in place on December 20, 2019, however there is a major disconnect between the law and vape shops. Many say they were never notified or informed of this change and do not have a clear understanding of this new law and until they do they will continue to sell to the 18 years old and over customers.

Vape shops are also not the only ones saying this law passed without a full understanding and notifying the people of which the law was being put into place. The Indiana Food & Fuel Association called the new release " widely irresponsible" on a Friday release. Along with that some have released questions as to why no one was notified as retailers and consumers were never given a for warning or a date as to which the new law was going to take effect. Some people have even gone as far as calling it "A Christmas-time surprise"

President Trump has just passed a new law where no one 18 and under can purchase or obtain tobacco products, including vape devices. This law was put in place on December 20, 2019, however there is a major disconnect between the law and vape shops. Many say they were never notified or informed of this change and do not have a clear understanding of this new law and until they do they will continue to sell to the 18 years old and over customers.

Vape shops are also not the only ones saying this law passed without a full understanding and notifying the people of which the law was being put into place. The Indiana Food & Fuel Association called the new release " widely irresponsible" on a Friday release. Along with that some have released questions as to why no one was notified as retailers and consumers were never given a for warning or a date as to which the new law was going to take effect. Some people have even gone as far as calling it "A Christmas-time surprise"
I agree 100% that underage (18 and under) should not be able to smoke. There are so many young teens nowadays dying as such a young age from doing drugs or smoking. I think that having a law passed was a very great choice due to death rates from just smoking or any type of drug. I also hear that vaping is like worst than smoking and I just feel like that is a big risk to take and its like setting yourself to die at such a young age. I really hope that people open up their eyes a little bit more and just try to do better or make better decisions because I hate when people are being taking out of this world when they haven't even gotten to really enjoy their life yet.
ReplyDeleteIn my opinion if you can fight for your own country and get your concealed carry license you should be able to smoke a cigarette. Teens and adults know the cautions and side affects of smoking cigarettes, so they are doing it at their own risk. I don't believe that vaping is worse than smoking cigarettes. There's over 4,000 chemicals in cigarettes, most are toxic. Vape juice only has a few ingredients to it. I believe that when the news and everyone started talking about how vaping was "worse than smoking cigarettes," they were just wanting teens and adults to get away from vaping and go back to smoking cigarettes because the big tobacco companies were losing money. People have been vaping for years upon years and a majority of those people have said they haven't had anything bad happen to them. So why all of a sudden are vapes said to be more harmful than cigarettes? Seems like a conspiracy to me.
ReplyDeleteI had recently heard about this law as well. Many people in my age group (and younger) have made complaints about it but I think it's a great idea. When the age was set at 18, it was easier for high school students to have access to these kind of products. However, having it now be at 21, kids in high school will have a harder time getting tobacco products. I believe that with this new law it will lower rates of younger students getting addicted to tobacco. I feel that younger kids starting these tobacco products is only a gate way into more dangerous things such as other addictive drugs and alcohol. If we are able to lower the rates of people smoking/vaping or whatever kind of harmful drug then we can have a healthier and longer living population.
ReplyDeleteAlthough I feel as if vaping and smoking isn't good for you, I don't believe taking our rights away is right. If we are legal adults, who can go to work, fight for our country, drive a car, and fight for our country, why shouldn't we be able to have the right to hit a vape or smoke a cigarette if we want to. If they want to raise the law to twenty one, then the same laws should apply for being able to join the army.
ReplyDeleteI agree that vaping/smoking should only be allowed to 21+. However, as the comment above me states, being able to join the military but not freely purchase an object is somewhat of a conflict in my opinion. The main problem I see isn't the 18 year old's vaping, its the freshman and junior high kids that do. Becoming addicted at that young of an age will certainly lead to the temptation of trying other more serious substances.