Peer Workshop

      I had my first writing project assignment and I was very nervous to have someone else read my paper just because you never know if it is good enough or not. You will never except what they might have to say about your paper. When we had our first writing peer workshop I actually ended up like having someone look over my paper. We had to read it out loud and just by doing that I found some of my own errors. I feel like it is better to read your paper out loud versus reading it in your head, because you can just make the corrections automatically or not even notice that you have errors. I experienced that in this first writing project; I never noticed my errors when I was reading it in my head. Then on top of that my group was very helpful with telling me more details to add to the my paper. I feel like they made me think of different things to put into my paper that never once caught my attention.

      Don't always think that you have written a bad paper and lose confidence once you have someone read over it. Think of it as making you become a better writer. That is how I think of it. You might have to get a lot of corrections but the more than the better.. I mean am I right? I feel like the more that you see than the better you paper can turn out to be. I feel like now that I've had someone look over my paper, my paper turned out to be better than what it was. The thing is I also found my own corrections as well, just by reading it out loud.

      Always remember that peer workshop is about making your paper better. Some people are good writers and think they don't need no one to look over it, but I feel like it's always better for at least one person to just check over it. To me peer workshop is a good way to fix any errors and to improve your paper. That's what we had to do for our first paper and we will have to continue from here on out in the next few papers and I know it will just help improve each and every one of them.


  1. I totally understand the fear of sharing one's paper, especially if you've spent a long time on it!!! I pride myself on my writing and sometimes I feel like it's not good enough for someone else. In reality though you're 100% correct. Peer review is only meant to make papers better, no matter where someone is in the writing process.

  2. I really think the peer workshops help when trying to write a paper because like you said in your post about not catching certain things when you are reading it in your head but, when you read it out loud you can see your mistakes. I personally like these workshops because they help me to become a better writer and I learn from my mistakes.

  3. It can be very nerve wrecking showing other's what you write, especially when people are very opinionated. I have to agree with what you said, when other's are judging your paper, don't take it in a negative way when they are constructive criticizing you. When other people's opinions are put into the mix and while they are helping you fix mistakes to help you write a paper more clearly and thought out, it can truly help you become a better writer. When other's state how they feel towards the work you have done, it can help you process and reevaluate your writing to be more influential and inclusive by creating deeper thoughts when expressing your own feelings towards topics.

  4. Honestly, I'm with you on having others read my paper, It's super scary to have someone reading your work and open to criticism. And personally, I'm the worst about taking criticism not because of the way others say it, but because I take it super personally... I think, "Why couldn't have I thought of that?" and I just beat myself up over it. Granted do I know I shouldn't? Yes, of course I do, but I'm also a perfectionist so that's a normal reaction of a perfectionist. With that being said I completely agree with no you shouldn't feel less than when someone is reading over your paper and offering the constructive criticism because that is what makes you a better writer.

  5. I couldn't agree more about a peer reading your work be a little frightening. I personally take criticism well, however its still scary. Someone telling you how you could improve your paper really should have zero effect on your confidence as you said. Reading it over yourself can help but having a different mind read it will find mistakes or improvements you would never think of.


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