"The New Offense "

In class we have been working on our group projects, mine of which is on animal rights.  Just this past winter on November 18, 2019 President Trump signed a new law on animal cruelty, the law now makes animal cruelty a federal crime.  The new law is called “PACT”, Preventing Animal Cruelty and Torture Act...This act protects non-human living mammals, birds, reptiles, or amphibians.  This also prohibits “Crush Videos”. Personally I had no idea what that meant when I first read that. What is a Crush Video? Is it an animal drinking the soda “Crush”?, that could probably hurt their tongue, does the pop have something in it that is toxic to animals similar to Xylitol, that’s in sugar free gum? I really had no clue… but with a little research I was crushed to find out the real truth. 

So what are “Crush” videos? 

As the saying goes, "A picture is worth a thousand words" is right about on point with this,
a crush video is a video, motion picture, and/or just a simple picture that depicts animal cruelty. 
Honestly, I couldn’t believe what I had read when I read that. It hurt my heart to hear people really
do get some kind of fascination by hurting animals. Like, how could you hurt that little, darling
Beagle puppy? Just look at that face.  Of course I knew animal cruelty did happen, I don’t live
under a rock, and I had heard some cases of which it being filmed… but reading it and hearing grapevine
headlines is two completely different concepts. 
The Punishment for Violation 

So like I always say, “With every negative action follows a consequence” and that just fits this indeed.
  For violating the new federal crime you could face either a fine, prison time, or both.  


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  2. I agree with the new law that was passed. I myself love animals and it hurts to see the people choose not to take care of them properly. I also agree with every negative action follows a consequence people go to jail for intentionally hurting another person but nothing happens when it is done to an animal. Animals feel just as much as a human do and they have feelings too.

  3. I agree that with the new law that has been passed as well. I feel like animals being treated unfairly is just absolutely terrible and they didn't ask for you to be there owner. I feel like they should get the same respect as a human being. You have a privilege to have an animal and they should be treated with high expectations. I feel like there should be consequences for abusing an animal especially if it being terribly abused. They should not have a right to ever have an animal again. People that do those things should think before they react no matter what the animal does.

  4. When you mentioned a crush video in your blog, I had no idea what you were talking about. Then you explained what it is and now it makes sense to me. I just found it interesting that I learned something about animal cruelty and I love the picture of the dog :)


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