Tips for depression & anxiety during quarantine

Many people during this quarantine are dealing with anxiety and depression. It is hard not to have anxiety, especially when reading the news 24/7. I think a lot of the depression that individuals are dealing with are from disruption of their normal daily activities, isolation from family/friends, and also getting too much sleep or watching television too much.
Many people feel cut off from society and feel not in control when they can't get out and do the things they normally do. I know it's been a hard transition for me in this aspect. Time seems to slowly go by and the days seem to mesh together.
BUT luckily we can do some things to make us less anxious and less depressed. No, I am not saying these are the cure to depression and anxiety because some people deal with it at a higher level than others. But, I am saying if you are dealing with depression and anxiety more than normal during this quarantine, there are things you can do to make you feel better.
1. Get a routine going
If you are feeling that there isn't any control with what's going on in life right now, which I am sure everyone feels that way. Or if you feel sad that you can't go do the things you usually do every day, they say getting a routine going can make you feel better. Plan out days for yourself and get on a regular schedule, that way you aren't laying in bed for too long feeling sad.
2. Be active
Physical active can impact your health mentally and physically! Get up and get active! :) I swear I have worked out a few times this quarantine and it's a great way to get your mind off things. Listen to some of your favorite tunes while doing it and you will find yourself losing track of time. Working out always make me feel better.
3. Stay occupied
If you find yourself bored with nothing to do while the time passes like a snail, go find something to do! Getting things done can provide a sense of purpose & competency! Do something you have always wanted to do/create. Maybe even make a list of the things you have always wanted to make/accomplish and start checking them off day by day!
4. Communicate
This is a very important thing in my book to make you feel less isolated and alone. Communicate with friends and family, or reach out to people on social media. Whatever feelings you are going through in this quarantine, I promise you someone else feels the same way. Reach out to people experiencing the same things as you and it will provide you with a sense of community!We Will Get Through This, Together! (Digital PRINT) — Brad Vetter ...


  1. I 110% agree with this. This whole time of being home I've been on a good routine until about last week I fell off my routine and last week was rough. So this week I have gotten back on my routine and I feel so much better. I also have consistently stayed active being I have a PFW class so I have to log my activity. However it is hard to stay occupied I have found that watching movies that kind of mess with my head and make my brain work, like mysteries have helped me. As for communication, I facetime a lot of my friends and text them because talking to your parents obviously isn't the end all be all.

  2. OMG this definitely needed to be said !!! It's soooo easy to get in a rut and just sleep all day.. My greatest tool in college was Bracken Library. Whenever i needed to crank something out I simply went to the local library and i could just get a whole project done in a matter of hours. Now I feel like im just in my dorm all the time with everything that distracts me. It's forced me to get creative with my planning guide. I've started making lists and objectives I want to accomplish. Routine has been the greatest tool to kick some purple depression cat ass!


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