
English has never came easy to me. I have always struggled with every English class that I have ever been in from elementary school, middle school, high school, and into college. I am a junior at Ball State and I am in a freshman English class, but that really didn't bother me. I enjoyed this English class and everything I have learned from it. I know I have learned more from this English class than I have in any other English class at Ball State.
If you ever are struggling in a class in college, I advise to reach out and get help. There are multiple resources on campus that can help you in any class that you may have a hard time in. Many of the times I refused to get help, thinking I didn't need it and I could get it on my own. Sometimes that's just not the case, and know that it is okay to reach out and get help.
I am so thankful for this class as it will help me continue into my next English class I am required to take. I hope everyone had a great semester and I look forward to the fall semester and hope that it is able to go on without restrictions due to cover-19.


  1. Hey, you did it!! It must at least be a huge weight off your chest to just chill and not have to worry about English for a bit. COVID might definitely suck, but at least you can take this time to just breath and relax!!!


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